National University of Ireland Galway’s (NUIG) prestigious history spans over 170 years. Established in 1845, NUIG has a long history of innovation. While the buildings and campus might exude a sense of tradition, NUIG has never been conventional, and is always keen to adopt new ideas, to foster a vibrant community of students and staff, where distinguished learning, impactful research, and creative thinking are shared with the world.
As the coordinator of i3-MARKET, NUIG is responsible for leading, delegating, and harmonising all tasks of the project. NUIG has demonstrable, long-term experience in the management of numerous national and international collaborative projects. Drawing on its excellent human and technical resources, NUIG’s lead will assure that the challenging objectives related to data markets and to the data economy will be effectively achieved.
Throughout the project’s lifespan, NUIG will contribute to the specification, deployment and progress of the project and ensure that the partners’ involvement in all the WPs (from both technical and organisational aspects) remains in accordance with the work plan defined in the proposal. Together with the project partners, NUIG organises the technical part of the project and oversees the preparation and production of deliverables and the exchange of information inside the consortium. In addition, NUIG is in charge of solving technical, financial, administrative, or contractual issues as well as conflicts between partners, and acts as the official communication channel between the consortium and the EC.
NUIG’s Data Science Institute and the Centre for Data Analytics
The team working on the i3-MARKET project is comprised of personnel from NUIG’s Internet of Things and Stream Processing Research Unit (UIoT) at the Data Science Institute (DSI) and part of the Insight SFI Centre for Data Analytics.
The Data Science Institute (DSI) is a dedicated research institute of NUIG and the host of the Insight SFI Research Centre for Data Analytics. At DSI, research focuses on technologies at the convergence of Computer Science, Web Science and Artificial Intelligence to build a fundamental understanding of how information and knowledge are increasingly driving society through digital processes, and of the tools, techniques and principles supporting a data-enhanced world.
Data analytics is a massive global research effort aimed at taking the guesswork out of decision making in society. It is improving our approach to everything, from hospital waiting lists, to energy use and advertising. At DSI’s specialisedf Insight SFI Research Centre for Data Analytics, research is conducted to use massive amounts of data to enable better decision making for individuals, society and industry. Insight’s research helps to transform data into knowledge at the interface of academia and industry.
With Insight, businesses can work with the finest minds in academia to come up with solutions to problems they encounter. As a research centre, Insight also conducts blue sky research in exciting fields such as the semantic web and linked data, areas that have the potential to transform society.At Insight, there is a high awareness of the need for trust and respect when it comes to people’s data. Data is changing our world. At Insight, the research aims to ensure it’s changing for the better.
You can learn more at and
Get to know the i3-MARKET coordinators
Dr. Martin Serrano

Dr. Martin Serrano (Member IEEE, Chair FIRE Innitiative) is head of the IoT Unit and Scientific director in the area of Internet of Things in the Insight Centre for Data Analytics at the National University of Ireland, Galway (NUI Galway). Recently listed between top 25 people influencing the Internet of Things for his work on Smart Cities projects and nominated by the Irish Software Association for best academic achievement in 2014
Dr. Serrano is an experience researcher with more than 20 years of experience in industry and applied research within a wide range of successful European FP5, FP6, FP7 collaborative projects, National (HEA PRTLI, SFI) and also EI innovation projects. He also leads Experiments in European FIRE Platforms. Dr. Serrano has a leading role in the European Research Cluster for the IoT with a strong background on semantic interoperability, services and network management technologies.
Dr. Serrano has coordinated and managed successful IoT projects (OpenIoT, VITAL-IoT and recently FIESTA-IoT). Dr. Serrano and his team are also actively investigating, Semantic-based Cloud Infrastructures and Big Data Management, Data Bases Stream processing, Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) Control, Privacy and Security aspects for IoT, Sensor Networks for the IoT and their deployment in cloud computing environments. Dr. Serrano worked as Senior Supervisor at Panasonic-AKME at the Product Design Engineering department and was Research Intern at National/Panasonic-KME (Japan). Dr. Serrano is an active member of IEEE (Computer and Communication Societies) and ACM. He is author of the book Applied Ontology Engineering in Cloud Services, Networks and Management Systems.
Dr. Achille Zappa

Dr. Achille Zappa is a Post-Doctoral Researcher at Insight @ NUIG. His research interests include Semantic Web Technologies, Semantic Data Mashup, Linked Data, Big Data Management, Knowledge Engineering, Big Data Integration, Semantic Integration in Life Sciences & Health Care, Workflow Management, IoT Semantic Interoperability, IoT semantic Data & Systems Integration.
He is the W3C Advisory Committee representative for Insight @ NUIG and member of w3c groups like the HCLS IG, Web of Things (WoT) IG and WG, Spatial Data on the Web WG. He works for the main Insight Linked Data Strand at the Linked Data Foundations and Infrastructure Work Package and UIoT Unit, with collaboration with different units and involvement in various projects.
Dr. Zappa has an extensive expertise of applying Semantic Web technologies and Linked Data Principles in Health Care & Life Sciences domains. He works also in two joint projects in collaboration with Fujitsu, Ki2na Project. He is member of various International Societies (W3C, ISCB, HVP, BITS, Force11.) with publications in impacted peer reviewed international journals and participation to international conferences and workshops. <