The Environmental Intelligence Suite  

IBM provides the Environmental Intelligence Suite to: 

Predict the power outputs by renewable energy customers.

Improve the resilience of transportation by logistics companies.

Reduce climate and weather risks by industry and insurance customers.

The pilot leverages data-driven technologies to help customers optimally handling severe weather events and provides means for better green house gas documentation as well as better mitigation of and adaptation to climate change.

Benefits of i3-MARKET

Accessibility of masses of under-exploited data from stakeholders in the environment and climate domains for new players in the field in particular SMEs. 

Increase in the number of data-driven business by enabling SMEs to dynamically purchase and sell data needed to handle extreme weather events in industries like renewable energy generation, utilities, communities, logistics and transport as well as insurances. 

Integration of the Environmental Intelligence Suite and the Geolab, allowing new use cases to be designed and built at lower cost and faster than currently possible. 

Facilitate SMEs’ access to environment metadata via a subscription model while reducing the risks of access by unauthorised industries.


Through i3-MARKET, IBM has: 

Increased by 30% the volume of offers from different providers.

Provided a revenue of 20% to each subscription in the marketplace by defining competing pricing.

Reduced the risk exposure of companies and communities by at least 10%.




Flag of Europe

The i3-Market project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement no. 871754.