
i3-MARKET Backplane V2 Release Announcement

i3-MARKET Backplane V2 Release

Intelligent, Interoperable, Integrative and deployable open source MARKETplace backplane

Tools for easy deployment of DaaS and a platform to support online data marketplaces.

April 8th 2022, Brussels, BE – i3-MARKET Open-Source Software Available

– Announcement –

The i3-MARKET consortium is pleased to announce that the second version of its Backplane software is now publicly available to the Community. After the release of v1 to industrial stakeholders, the consortium organised a number of consultation events with SMEs, Developers, Industry stakeholders and attended developer events to understand the requirements and demands from developer communities and entrepreneurs, so that the v2 release could be built with these improvements in mind.

The i3-MARKET strategic plan to enlarge the ecosystem and reach out to the largest developer communities with this i3-MARKET Public Version has proceeded with success and i3-MARKET backplane V2 is now accessible in and . The i3-MARKET’s developers’ team has made an extra effort to release the V2 in these well-known platforms as they are amongst the largest and most popular Open-Source communities. To ensure the transparency of the release, i3-MARKET has undertaken all necessary efforts to establish an automatic synchronisation and the OSS governance methodology to support members of both communities. This means that assets that are committed and released in one platform is available to the other community in a matter of few minutes.

i3-MARKET are currently following the project plan for development and continuous support and new improvements, as well as planned activities for enlarging the ecosystem alongside the start of testing the technology in industrial pilots to have them as reference deployments for testing and validation.

The i3-MARKET Backplane tools are available at:

– i3-MARKET Backplane Software Tools –

The Backplane is a set of software components that are aimed at facilitating easier access for SMEs to European data marketplaces, by allowing them to view, buy and sell data from/to multiple marketplaces, through one interface.

i3-MARKET partners have built the systems to ensure that trust, privacy, and security are embedded in the integration processes, so that transactions can be carried out with confidence. This is done via the use of smart contracts and robust privacy standards, ensuring that all relevant European legislation is respected.

With the release of the public version of the software, stakeholders, developers, companies can now begin to test the tools and onboarding process, so that they can learn, interact, experiment, and contribute with the development and improvement of the solutions. This process is simultaneously being validated internally, through the deployment of three pilots that connect ATOS, Siemens, and IBM data marketplaces to the i3-Market Backplane. i3-MARKET project consortium have made available a collection of information resources for the project and the project details that can be reached at:
i3-MARKET main Project Website: <> and the i3-MARKET community and open-source Developers Portal:

– Background –

The i3-MARKET project addresses the growing demand for a single European Data Market Economy by enabling secure and privacy preserving data sharing across data spaces and marketplaces. i3-MARKET aims at providing technologies for trustworthy (secure and reliable), data-driven collaboration and federation of existing and new future data marketplace platforms. Special attention is given to industrial data, particularly sensitive commercial data assets from both SMEs and large industrial corporations.

It is well known that despite various research and innovation attempts working on Big Data management and sharing, there is no broadly accepted trusted and secure solution for federation of data marketplaces. i3-MARKET is addressing this gap by developing lacking technologies and solutions for a trusted (secure, self-governing, consensus-based, and auditable), interoperable (semantic-driven) and decentralised (scalable) infrastructure, the i3-MARKET Backplane, that enables federation via interoperability of the existing and future emerging data spaces and marketplaces.

– Events and Activities –

The release of the software will be accompanied by three events addressing different communities and introducing the backplane tools and support tools to the three main user groups also named stakeholders.

The events are organised in the way that they are going to provide informative and to demonstrate the design and architectural building blocks of the i3-MARKET architecture, the individual and integrated software functionalities and the applications of the i3-MAKRET backplane in reference industrial pilots.

The first even is the third SME Forum organised by DIGITAL SME where the i3-MARKET Backplane will be demonstrated to data consumer community through the presentations and online tools prepared for the user groups.

The second event will be an onboarding session organised by Technical experts where the i3-MARKET will be presented targeting Data Providers, Data Marketplaces and Data Spaces.

The third event is for a larger industry community at the IoT Week taking place in Dublin in June 2022 where i3-MARKET backplane has a dedicated session allocated to present and provide applications – in particular, industry pilots. At the same event I3-MARKET will take part of the International Data Hackathon where students, entrepreneurs and developers will be able to test the code and connect their systems looking to create a solution using the i3-MARKET tools and sample data sets provided by the industry partners.

– Improvements in V2 & Next Steps –

The i3-MARKET project addresses the challenge of being integrative following design methods used in industry and OSS implementation best practices, interoperable by using semantic models that defines a common conceptual framework and information model that enables cross domain data exchange and sharing, intelligent from the perspective of smart contracts generated automatically and associating those financial operations into a set of software tools that facilitate that data assets can be commercialised via intra-domain or cross-domain almost transparently in a secure and protected digital market environment.

– i3-MARKET Consortium –

The i3-MARKET project is a consortium of diverse 14 partners, from large industries and system integrators, SMEs associations and research organisations, and different EU countries that collaborate to address common challenges in the area of Big Data technologies. We are a cluster of experts performing multiple activities, from coordination and management to technical design and software development, that all together bring the know-how and the expertise in building the i3-MARKET backplane solution based on high quality standards.


Flag of Europe

The i3-Market project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement no. 871754.

Article Events News

SME Forum Report: Understanding the Needs of Data Users and Data Owners

SME Forum Report: Understanding the Needs of Data Users and Data Owners

On 31 January, i3-MARKET hosted an SME Forum with members of the European DIGITAL SME Alliance, to hear their thoughts and feedback on how they currently use data and data marketplaces, with the purpose of using this information to help develop the i3-MARKET backplane to better serve the needs of European SMEs. 45 people took part in the Forum, which began with presentations from the i3-MARKET coordinator to introduce the current European landscape for data marketplaces and the benefits that greater data sharing would have for the European data economy. After providing this high-level overview, i3-MARKET technical partners then demonstrated the backplane technology that the project is developing, highlighting how this could be used by European companies to access multiple data marketplaces across a range of sectors.

Following these presentations, the participants were divided into thematic breakout sessions to discuss in more detail their experiences and motivations for using data marketplaces with i3-MARKET partners. From these discussions, i3-MARKET was able to understand several important factors that can help inform the development of the backplane to ensure that it suits the needs of its users.

One key takeaway from the Forum was that there was a stark divide between the participants in attendance as to how much time they would be willing to spend to connect to the Backplane, as some would be willing to invest more than two weeks to onboard, while others would only want to spend less than two days – and the split of participants was nearly 50/50 along this divide. This contrast could be interpreted in a number of ways, but this would suggest that perhaps some companies are still struggling to find value through data marketplaces and therefore don’t see them as a something worth investing time in. In this breakout room, the split between data providers and data consumers was also nearly 50/50, highlighting two of the key audiences that the project can engage with, and potentially form the basis of future Forums or workshop. It would be interesting to investigate further whether there is alignment between company role (data provider/data consumer) with regard to the Backplane and their willingness to invest time into onboarding, as this could reveal motivations for companies engaging with the Backplane. It did appear from initial discussions that data providers were willing to spend time onboarding, and data consumers not as interested.

The second takeaway from the meeting is that companies were interested to understand further how the Backplane could impact their business models. There were several comments regarding the incentives to use the Backplane and how i3-MARKET conceptualised transactions. Timoleon presented the i3-MARKET business models, highlighting where value could be derived for the users of the Backplane.

There was also discussion regarding the value proposition of the Backplane for SMEs, which can be considered at two levels: firstly, the practical, felt benefits of integrating with an ecosystem of data marketplaces: i.e being able to find already sorted/indexed data, more markets for data providers to sell to, greater ease-of-use for buyers, easier to source relevant data for testing new applications; and secondly, higher level, more abstract benefits, that potentially relate to the develop of the data economy, such as development of new innovations and the creation of new business models around data sharing. While it can be quite easy for the project to demonstrate how the Backplane will provide the practical benefits for companies, the conversation around the abstract level benefits – which may be required to convince non-data user companies to begin using data in their business practices, may need development, and in this, i3-MARKET is perhaps only one voice among many.

To complement this, it was agreed that the status of the Backplane as a non-profit technology based on an open-source approach was a positive indicator.

The Forum also helped the project partners identify some challenges that companies will face when adopting the backplane. Trust in the sources of data was raised as a particular concern, as users would like to be sure of the accuracy and legitimacy of the data that they will be receiving. Ensuring user trust in the system can be achieved through greater communication of the privacy, trust and security design features of the backplane. The sharing of data was also discussed, as consent would be needed from data owners before sharing their data across different platforms.

Further to this, there was interest in the anonymisation techniques that would be used and whether these could result in loss of information when transferring data. Another challenge that was raised was the supply of data for the platform. The access to large amount of data that the Backplane provides is a pull factor for SMEs to use the platform and in the World Café session there was interest in understanding the onboarding process for big data suppliers to ensure that there was a strong supply of data for companies to access.

The challenges of different data models and how companies would like to access data was raised by ATOS during this session, but it appears that there was no consensus on the type of data standardisation that would be preferred by companies. This could be explored further in a follow up meeting, as enabling ease-of-access is a good value proposition for the backplane. Another issue that was raised was how

Thanks to the hard work of partners in preparing an interesting and relevant workshop and the attendees for sharing their thoughts, experiences and opinions, i3-MARKET was able to host an informative and engaging SME Forum that will contribute to the design of the Backplane and hopefully its adoption by SMEs looking to benefit from greater access to data. The Forum provided some clear insights into the value of the platform, as well as highlighting areas in which the consortium needs to deal with challenges. Given the diversity of companies that took part in the forum, there are many avenues that can be explored in the future for further requirements gathering, including organising workshops by user type and offering more practical onboarding services for the companies that are already interested in using the backplane.



Flag of Europe

The i3-Market project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement no. 871754.


i3-MARKET Newsletter #4: Preparing for the Public Release

i3-MARKET Newsletter #4 - Preparing for the Public Launch


Flag of Europe

The i3-Market project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement no. 871754.

Article News

Digital Transformation by Means of Big Data, Marketplaces and Data Economy Workshop at the EBDVF21

Digital Transformation by Means of Big Data, Marketplaces and Data Economy

Digital Transformation has arrived and currently, it is happening too fast for societies to truly harness the powers of the transformation. In times when the new fuel is data, marketplaces for bringing value to data assets are growing ever popular and data economy models are still under development, many design aspects for the Digital Transformation still needs to be defined.

SMEs and Entrepreneurs are facing the biggest challenge and face major hurdles in comparison with large industries and corporations who traditionally dominate the large data markets. However, Digital Transformation is an opportunity for new ideas, disruptive models and only SME’s and Entrepreneurs are have the speed and agility to adopt and adapt new business models, in relation to how large industries. function. In a workshop at the European Big Data Value Forum, the i3-MARKET partners explored how data and data marketplaces can be opened up to European SME and Entrepreneurs through the use of new technologies.

The workshop began with Project Coordinator Dr Martin Serrano identifying the trends that are powering the digital transformation and the benefits of greater digitalisation, such as:

  1. Data-driven, analytics based customer experience is a priority
  2. Emergence of new online business models will drive growth
  3. A strong focus on resilient supply chains leveraging analytics
  4. The growth of a flexible work culture will drive benefits for both employees and employers
  5. Remote talent management will be a key requirement
  6. Providers will focus on building 5G infrastructure
  7. Cybersecurity will remain a top priority
  8. AI as a complementary technology for diverse use cases
  9. The cloud and IoT will be common infrastructures
  10. Blockchain will increasingly be considered as a mainstream technology

Data will be a driver of many of these processes, and for Europe, and European SMEs to be able to harness these trends, data marketplaces will need to become enablers of data sharing and exchanges, across multiple domains.

To do so, backend technologies are needed that facilitate the connection between marketplaces and allow easier access for SMEs, that may not have the capacity to find relevant data or ensure that it is in a useable format for their systems.

 Ivan Martinez Rodriguez, of ATOS, and Marcio Mateus further developed this idea, explaining how tools to allow for federation of data marketplaces and exchanges would help marketplaces to co-exist. Ivan introduced the i3-MARKET backplane as a specific tool that allows data marketplaces to interact with eachother, following a data-centric approach.

Alessandro Amicone, of GFT further explained how the backplane would work, and how i3-MARKET has implemented and SNK-RI to facilitate the use of the service, so that SMEs can take advantage of multiple data services without having to learn and operate the different technologies and interfaces that they run on. For more information on this, and to view the building blocks of the i3-MARKET backplane, you can go to the Open Source i3-MARKET website .



Flag of Europe

The i3-Market project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement no. 871754.


Interoperability and Open Source Software

Interoperability and Open Source Workshop

i3-MARKET chaired a workshop,  co-located with the 11th International Conference on the Internet of Things (IoT 2021), that focused on Interoperability and Open Source Software Solutions for European businesses.


The evolution of the Internet of Things has created a complex ecosystem populated by various Internet of Things (IoT) platforms that provide access to a broad range of things. These IoT platforms typically promote their specific interfaces and information models, and often adopt non-standard, sometimes fully proprietary, protocols to control a variety of things. This fragmentation and missing interoperability currently prevent the emergence of cooperative IoT ecosystems in which applications can be built to simply use things, or to enable things operated by different platforms to interact.


The 4th Workshop on Interoperability and Open-Source Solutions for the Internet of Things focused on addressing this challenge, bringing together the community of industry players, stakeholders and open source communities. The main objective of the event was to exchange experiences and ideas with the IoT and Data communities as well as contribute to build new knowledge analyzing open issues and identify gaps on interoperability, architectural principles, marketplaces and standardization for future. It featured the voice of industrial experts, by providing an environment where attendees (presential or remotely) had the opportunity to explore interoperability solutions stemming from research and innovation projects and showcase practical experiences on interoperable IoT solutions and promote open-source solutions.


The 2021 InterOSS – Interoperability and Open Source Solutions Workshop paper will be online in due course.

The authors and their papers are below:

Dr. Helmi Ben Hmida, T-Systems International – IoT & Digital Transformation Expert – Senior Program Manager

Industrial keynote Central Topic: Paper KS1: IoT & Digital Transformation: Challenges and Opportunities

Dr. Helmi Ben Hmida spoke about the current challenges that Digital Transformation impose over the current Technologies and Markets. After managing several large scale IoT projects touching several verticals and domains (City, health, building, mobility, weather, work…etc. ), Dr. Helmi Ben Hmida believes that a successful Digital\IoT business needs some characteristics that are the baseline for success. Based on his experience, Dr. Helmi Ben Hmida provided a vision on the Opportunities for progressing the state of the art with technologies like Big Data, IoT and AI.

Semantic Interoperability: A review for IoT Edge Computing and Robotics Applications

Presenter: Eoin Jordan

Graph Neural Networks for Personalized Research Paper Recommendation

Presenter: Rishabh Chandaliya

Geospatial data: Overview of the state of the art and insight into future applications

Presenter: Alex Acquier

Boosting the interoperability of isolated data and services in rural areas across Europe

Presenter: Diego Casado-Mansilla

Dr. John Soldatos, Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence Expert – (Industrial IoT, Industry 4.0, Finance 4.0)

Expert keynote Central Topic: Paper KS2: AI, IoT and BIG Data:  Research Problems Unsolved

Dr. John Soldatos spoke about the Trends and current big issues on using IoT, Big Data and AI, from IoT Data to Big Data and Cloud Technology to a more human-Centric social and ethical aspects on AI. Dr. John Soldatos provided a vision on the most relevant research topics that remain unresolved and activities that can progress the state of the art in coming years with technologies like Big Data, IoT and AI.

Eco-Credits: Designing interoperable datasets and innovative blended financial techniques to restore ecosystems and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

Presenter: Niall O’Brolchain

Introducing a Data Marketplace design approach: A Step towards Data Monetisation, a Jump into a Digital Single Data Marketplace.

Presenter: Chi Hung Le

Towards lowering the barriers for BigData, IoT and AI-driven technologies, boosting regulatory compliance and stimulating FinTechs and InsuranceTechs Innovation.

Presenter: Martin Serrano

Supporting the creation of Online Interoperable Data Services for the European Digital Data Marketplace Industry.

Presenter:  Achille Zappa



Martin Serrano (National university of Ireland; Insight SFI Research Centre for Data Analytics, Ireland),

Achille Zappa (National university of Ireland; Insight SFI Research Centre for Data Analytics, Ireland),


Flag of Europe

The i3-Market project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement no. 871754.

Article Events News

i3-MARKET at Digital Around the World 21

i3-MARKET at Digital Around the World 2021

i3-MARKET hosted a session at Digital Around the World 2021 this October, which focused on how big data and data marketplaces can power Europe’s digital transformation. Leading the discussions, Coordinator Dr Martin Serrano explained the current trends and ambitions from the European Parliament and Commission that demonstate the emphasis that they are placing on Europe’s digital transformation. He identified the top trends powering this transformation as:

  1. Data driven, analytics based customer experience
  2. Emergence of online business models will drive growth
  3. Focus on resilient supply chains leveraging analytics
  4. Growth of flexible work culture will drive benefits for both employers and employees
  5. Remote talent management will be key requirement
  6. Providers will focus on building 5G infrastructure
  7. Cybersecurity will continue to be a major focus
  8. AI as a complementary technology for diverse use cases
  9. The cloud and IoT as common infrastructure
  10. Blockchain will increasingly be considered a mainstream technology

Achille Zappa, Coordinator of i3-MARKET then explained how the development of the use of big data, and the growth of European data marketplaces could be a key enables in accelerating these trends, and allowing European companies to take advantage of European data. He highlighted how European initiatives, such as the i3-MARKET Backplane, will allow companies greater access to data and data marketplaces, for both buying and selling


The event also featured contributions from Gerrit Rosam, from the TRUSTS Project; Bijan Yadollahi, of the DOME 4.0 project and Ernesto Troiano. More than 50 people were watching online, while over 600 people watched more than 100 speakers from 53 countries take part in the whole event.

You can watch the recoding of the event on the event website, using this link.



Flag of Europe

The i3-Market project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement no. 871754.

News Partner Interview

i3-MARKET Impact: ATOS

i3-MARKET Impact: ATOS

1. How do you view your company’s/organisation’s role in i3-MARKET?

ATOS is part of i3-Market because we want to connect data marketplaces all over Europe and start exploring new collaborations and partnerships, by taking part of the i3-market backplane as a model for data federation for cross-sectorial data industries. ATOS is aiming to contribute towards the promotion of the Data Economy and data markets, and to stay positioned with AGORA as a reference data marketplace to trade-off Automotive and Mobility data.

2. Why do you participate in the project? How can i3-MARKET have a long-term impact on your work?

There are several ways that i3-MARKET can create a positive impact for ATOS Research and Innovation. However, one of the most promising ways is the i3-MARKET backplane, as ATOS will explore the possibility to use this approach to connect different initiatives around data-driven platforms. The AGORA data marketplace is in fact one such example, but we also have other vertical platforms for data sharing such as DataPass (from the BodyPass project) enabling data exchange between the health and consumer goods sectors, FUSE for energy data, MASAI for manufacturing or UDP for city or infrastructures data management, among others. We plan to investigate throughout the project whether the i3-MARKET backplane approach could be used as backbone to interconnect these platforms.

3. What do you think will be the main benefits of the i3-MARKET to the end-users?

There are several stakeholders who can benefit from i3-MARKET deployment. For instance, Data Consumers who are currently connected with one of existing vertical data marketplaces can gain access through a seamless, secure, and trustworthy way to data sources from industries that aren’t present in AGORA, Siemens or IBM data marketplaces. In this case, a Data Consumer from AGORA can retrieve data from the Siemens or IBM data marketplace by using the i3-MARKET backplane as a middleware platform to interconnect Data Consumers, and Providers all over Europe. It means a huge opportunity for the cross-selling opportunities of those vertical data markets to also provide added-value services to new Data Consumers.

Then, from the Data Provider side, our network partners may currently only trust in one data marketplace to handle their data exchanges, which creates a significant barrier to use other data marketplace providers. In this case, the i3-MARKET backplane can serve as a unique solution as an open source interface to enable data trade-offs and exchange operations among different data marketplace operators. Therefore, each i3-MARKET data marketplace can make it possible for Data Providers to connect to new channels, customer segments and early adopters of the other potential Data customers that had previously been out of reach.

4. In your opinion, what’s the most exciting and inspiring thing about the i3-MARKET?

Finally, i3-market is addressing one major challenge for data-driven industries which is how to enable data exchange among several data platforms providers, marketplaces, data lakes, warehouses, etc. in a common standard language. Therefore, data interoperability should be provided by design to enable the communication among the different providers, sources, types of data, etc. which should be semantically agreed when actors subscribe to data exchange contracts. It would remove the brand-dependant characteristics of the data sources stored in each data marketplace of the project to foster the creation of data-driven services from specially SMEs, and start-ups aiming to ingest data to create new algorithms, data-driven uses cases, or machine learning models for improve maintenance operations, as a examples of possible services which use data as a key resource.  


Flag of Europe

The i3-Market project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement no. 871754.


i3-MARKET Motivation: Telesto Technologies

i3-MARKET Motivation: Telesto Technologies

1) How do you view your company’s/organisation’s role in i3-MARKET?

As one of the three SMEs involved in the project, we bring in our agility and know-how in order to facilitate the various developments and team work toward the common goal of the consortium.  


2) Why do you participate in the project? How can i3-MARKET have a long-term impact on your work?

The project focuses on the creation of a backplane allowing access to a wider audience of providers and users. It will enrich our research background in terms of marketplace backplane development and reinforce our legacy in specific topics that we will work on through the project.
i3-Market deals with marketplaces in cutting edge technologies that open numerous research and also commercial opportunities for our company. 

We also intend to integrate the developed modules within i3-market in our portfolio of offerings as a company.


3) What do you think will be the main benefits of the i3-MARKET to the end-users?

The i3-market will provide the end-users with a larger choice of data to acquire and more opportunities to sell data, making it accessible to a wider audience than what is observed today in the market. All procedures are going to be secure and will use blockchain technologies so that the end-users can benefit of the advantages. Aggregating entities such as i3-Market and similar multi-sided-platforms provide substantial value to previously isolated marketplaces since cross-cutting collaborations and business models can arise, apart from critical mass creation in an integrated ecosystem.


4) In your opinion, what’s the most exciting and inspiring thing about the i3-MARKET?

It will revolutionise the landscape of marketplaces and the data providers’ and users’ way of managing data through a one stop shop. It is also important to note that it brings together novel processes and cutting edge technologies as well as renowned technological partners into a seamless aggregating ecosystem.




Flag of Europe

The i3-Market project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement no. 871754.


i3-MARKET White Paper Released

i3-MARKET Publishes White Paper

“Data is the new gold”, but how do we become successful gold diggers? In other words, how can we incentivize and connect data owners, data providers and data consumers, and how can we spark the light that will ignite the European data market? In our first White Paper, we examine the opportunities and challenges that European data marketplaces provide, before looking at the vision of i3-MARKET, and how the i3-MARKET backplane is being deployed in three industrial sectors to initiate greater access to data for European companies.

Authors: Susanne Stahnke, Siemens; Vasiliki Koniakou, AUEB; Martin Serrano, NUIG; Birthe Boehm, Siemens; Stratos Baloutsos, AUEB; Raul Santos, ATOS.

Download the Paper Here, or Read it Below!



Flag of Europe

The i3-Market project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement no. 871754.

Events News Uncategorised

i3-MARKET at the IDSA Summit 2021

i3-MARKET at the IDSA Summit 2021

i3-MARKET Coordinator Dr Martin Serrano took part in the IDSA Summit 2021 on 23 June, sharing information on how open source solutions can contribute to the development of European Data Spaces, and introducing the audience to the i3-MARKET Backplane, our Open Source solution for integrating European data marketplaces into a single interface.

He introduced the design process behind the Backplane (seen in the Tweets below) and explained why increasing access to data is important for Europe’s growing data economy.

The video from the event will available soon.


Flag of Europe

The i3-Market project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement no. 871754.